The Chronicles research project does not simply record the immediate moods of Russians. We conduct polls on a regular basis to track how people's attitudes towards the war in Ukraine change over time. These dynamics allow us to see underlying trends and understand how events affect public opinion.
We stand for more complex and nuanced understanding of polling data by showing that there is a complex reality behind every isolated figure. Our goal is not just to provide the isolated figures, but to take you beyond the ‘bare numbers’ and give you the fullest possible understanding of what is going on in Russian society — the kind of multifaceted picture that data in dynamics can provide. In addition, regular polls allow you to notice shifts in public opinion that may not be obvious in a single survey, and show how various events and information campaigns affect Russians' attitudes towards the war.
Globally, there is a tendency for people's participation in polls to decline: studies show that response rates have been declining over the past 30 years. And while we have seen some decline in response rates, for example during mobilization, overall our response rates remain relatively stable.
We are working to maintain high levels of respondent engagement: we are adapting our methods, taking into account the peculiarities of Russian reality and the specifics of our survey system. Our goal is to ensure that our data is as representative and reliable as possible, even in the face of declining engagement in surveys around the world and in Russia.
Tell me, please, do you support or do not support the military operation of Russia on the territory of Ukraine, find it difficult to answer, or do not want to answer this question?
Chronicles 1.0: Tell me, please, do you support or not support Russian military actions on the territory of Ukraine?
Chronicles 2.0 (подвыборка): Tell me, please, do you support or do not support the military operation of Russia on the territory of Ukraine, find it difficult to answer, or do not want to answer this question?
If Vladimir Putin decides to withdraw Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine and begins negotiations on a truce WITHOUT achieving the initially set goals of the military operation, will you support or not support such a decision by Vladimir Putin?
In the conditions of budget deficit, in your opinion, where should public funds be spent first — on the armed forces or the social sphere?
Which of the following has happened to you since the beginning of March 2022 due to the current situation in the country?

February 2023
October 2023
Family income has decreased
Anxiety (or depression) episodes have occurred
Being downsized at work
(from Wave 6: You or someone in your family has been downsized at work or lost a business)
Medications that are important to you have disappeared from the market
You or a family member got a better job or started a business
Your family income has increased
Chronicles 11.0: Which of the following has happened to you over the past year in relation to the current situation in the country?
Tell me, over the past year, did you or did you not have to question your attitude toward special operations at least sometimes?

Are you personally or someone from your family involved or has been involved in military actions within the framework of the special operation in Ukraine? Or are there no such people?
In the next six months, do you think your financial situation (your family's situation) will definitely worsen, rather worsen, stay the same, rather improve, or definitely improve?
Chronicles 2.0: Wording about “the next 12 months”
Chronicles 3.0: Wording about "in connection with sanctions"
From what sources do you get information about Russia's military operation on the territory of Ukraine, whether they are Russian, Ukrainian, or some other?
Please tell me, in the last two years, how often have you used the internet?
Do you or do you not use a VPN?